Timetabling issues for teachers in Queensland State schools : A QTU Guide 

In the guide : Basic entitlements for a full-time teacher unpacked

hours of ROSTERED DUTY TIME (1 500 minutes) per week

hours of rostered duty time (1,800 minutes) for a full-time INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TEACHER / INSTRUCTOR

Minutes REST PAUSES provided each day at a time separate to the meal break. Cannot be averaged across a week

minutes uninterrupted MEAL BREAK each day. Can be modified through consultative arrangements. See page 4-5 for more

the STANDARD HOURS OF INSTRUCTION should fall within the hours of 8.20am and 3.30pm.

the MEAL BREAK should fall within the hours of 11am and 2pm. Any changes should be made following consultation with the  LCC.

A BUS & PLAYGROUND DUTY ROSTER will be developed in each school in consultation with the staff and LCC.

minutes minimum NON-CONTACT TIME in primary and special schools. Must be in Minimum 30 minute blocks

minutes minimum NON-CONTACT TIME in secondary schools.

Rostered FACE-TO-FACE TEACHING and associated  professional duties* (maximum) in primary & special schools per week (see section C)