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Queensland Teachers' Journal November 2016

Editorial: Let’s aim for less work in 2017

Think about your workload during the year over Christmas. If you still make New Year's resolutions, here is one to consider: “Work less, live more.” The stats back you up.

Schools' EB agreement certified

The Department of Education and Training State School Teachers’ Certified Agreement 2016 was certified at a hearing in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) on 5 October.

QCT Excellence in Teaching Awards

On 27 October, the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) presented its Excellence in Teaching Awards. The QTU congratulates all finalists, but in particular those finalists and winners who are state school teachers.

QTU Education Leaders Conference 2016

School leaders from around the state gathered in Brisbane in October for the QTU’s annual Education Leaders Conference.

Campaign to protect penalty rates continues as decision nears

Unions campaigning to protect penalty rates are mobilising resources to respond to a Fair Work Commission decision on the issue, now likely in December or early 2017.

From The President: Celebrating success

With the final weeks of the 2016 school year upon us, it is traditional for this column to reflect on the year that has been and look forward to the year to come.

Democracy in action: Conference 2017

The QTU Biennial Conferenceis the largest meeting within the QTU democratic structure and is the predominant opportunity to amend and debate QTU Policy and recommend changes to the Constitution and Rules.

From the VP: Our teachers and school leaders make all of our schools great

Sam Pidgeon is a high school teacher, so following her eldest child’s progress through primary school has been a learning experience.

HAT and LT pilot

With the certification of the new EB agreement and the acceptance of the pilot, planning to commence the proposed highly accomplished and lead teachers (HAT and LT) process in Queensland has intensified.

New senior secondary system delayed

On 18 October, the Queensland Minister for Education announced that the commencement of the new senior secondary system would be delayed by 12 months.

Gonski school funding a live issue

The outcome of the 2016 federal election has done nothing to diminish the importance of a genuine sector-blind, needs-based funding model for all Australian schools.

New for 2017

While the new certified agreement contains a number of clauses that are similar to previous agreements, some new elements of the agreement are giving rise to discussions about implementation at the school level.

Cool result for teachers at Roma State College

QTU members at Roma State College are celebrating the successful conclusion of their campaign for air-conditioned housing.

VET FEE-HELP is dead - but what of its successor?

Successive governments' policy on TAFE has been an example of an ideology (that is the supremacy of markets) triumphing in the face of reality, over plain facts, over evidence-based policy making.

TAFE EB negotiations successful

Following several months of enterprise bargaining (EB) negotiations, October saw an in-principle agreement reached with TAFE Queensland on a replacement certified agreement and salary increases for TAFE educators. 

AEU Women's Conference 2016

The AEU Women’s Conference is a once-a-year opportunity for women to focus exclusively on the issues that impact on the AEU’s women members.

Ageing in the classroom

As a feminised profession, many members experience the double edge sword of sexism and ageism. QTU activist and prep teacher Julie Streeter recently shared her own experiences with the AEU Federal Women's Conference

Anna Stewart Memorial Project 2016

Every year, the QTU takes part in the Anna Stewart Memorial Project, an affirmative action strategy designed to help rank and file women become more active in the union movement. 

Emma Miller Award for Kerry

The 2016 Emma Miller Award has gone to Kerry O’Connor.

Joint delegation to the Shanghai Education Union

In the first week of the September vacation, Peter Darben was part of the joint QTU/IEUA-QNT delegation to the Shanghai Education Union.

RAP wrap-up

Last year’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference saw the QTU launch its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP. This article reports on the deliverables achieved this year.


Summer vacation pay

Legal: Making the term “unsuitable to teach” more suitable

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal has made it clear that just because a teacher has been charged with an offence, it does not mean that the disciplinary ground of “unsuitable to teach” has been made out.