QTU PPCR submission

Members have provided both written and oral feedback in relation to the Promotional Positions Classification Review (PPCR). QTU Organisers and Officers have attended a variety of meetings with school leaders and heads of program across the state to ensure that the views of members are heard and taken into account by the Reference Group.

The timelines for feedback have been short; all submissions had to be provided to the Reference Group by 11 August. This is to make sure that the timelines for completion of the project are not derailed. A model must be ready to inform negotiations for EB9 (in 74 weeks at the time of writing this article).

Although the QTU is a party to the Reference Group, the decision was made to provide a written submission to augment the forthcoming commissioned research, which is to be conducted by Deloittes for the Reference Group. The submission will provide both issues for the Reference Group to reflect on and recommendations which need to be addressed as a vital part of the review.

The information provided by members has been analysed and forms a basis for the submission. The work conducted by QTU Research Assistant Madonna Cullinan has delivered an integral snapshot of members in school leadership and promotional positions. This will be made available on the QTU website and attached to the QTU submission. Importantly, member submissions have been provided to Deloittes (appropriately de-identified) attached to the QTU submission.

The in-depth analysis provided by members, especially in relation to the changes in work value attached to their roles, has revealed the palpable complexity school leaders and members in promotional positions face on a daily basis. This is why the consultation has been so crucial to the process. To have the QTU submission supported by the plethora of written feedback shows how overdue and vital the review actually is to school leaders and heads of program.

Thalia Edmonds                                                                                                                 Industrial Advocate

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 122 No 6, 25 August 2017, p6