2017 teacher transfer process

Applications may not open until term two, but the annual teacher transfer process begins way before that.

Identifying teachers for rural/remote service

Before the online transfer application process opens on 2 May, the department, through its regions, will begin its process for identifying teachers who may be eligible for rural and/or remote service. Although in previous years regions in preferred areas have undertaken slightly different approaches, in 2017 there could possibly be a more coordinated and consistent approach.

At the time of writing it is unclear exactly what DET’s approach will be, but the QTU does not oppose the department contacting teachers about such service. What we have asked DET to implement is a more consistent approach across the state in preferred areas so that all teachers can be confident, particularly those serving in rural and/or remote areas, that their employer is attempting to ensure that there is a comprehensive, consistent approach to communicating with teachers about such service.

The QTU’s advice to teachers who have not completed rural and/or remote service is:

  • if you have completed probation and are interested in undertaking rural and/or remote service, engage with the department about preferred locations etc.
  • if you have valid reasons why you cannot undertake such service, respond to the department and provide requested information or evidence where necessary
  • seek advice from the QTU if necessary.

Transfer application process

As mentioned above, the online process will open on 2 May. The online application has changed slightly, with the number of pages now reduced as a direct result of the new option of attaching a CV or resume.

Work is also being undertaken to increase the communication and support received by teachers who apply for transfer, including information to help them prepare a CV or resume.

Teachers interested in transferring are encouraged to submit applications early, as that will allow the receiving regions more time to identify and create vacancies for teachers returning from the completion of rural or remote service.

Applications close on 9 June. Transfers will be released on 14 September.

There will be more information on the 2017 teacher transfer process in the next Journal. Please contact the QTU if you have any questions.

Jeff Backen                                                                                                                     Assistant Secretary (Services/Welfare)

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 122 No 2, 10 March 2017, p6