Protect early childhood funding

The QTU is encouraging members to participate in the national Protect our Preschools campaign.

Australian parents can currently access 15 hours a week of early education for their four-year-old children in the year before formal schooling commences. In other states, this year is known as preschool or kinder, however in Queensland it is known as the kindergarten (or kindy) year.

The funding provided by the federal government under the Universal Access to Preschool National Partnership is used in conjunction with state funding to provide a quality early childhood education across the country. Sadly, this funding is due to run out at the end of this year.

Parents, teachers and educators are invited to join the national campaign to lobby for a continuation of this funding. Quality early childhood programs give children a head start in terms of their cognitive, social and emotional development and help them prepare for school.

Members are urged to send postcards of support to Minister Birmingham, and sign the petition calling on the Federal Education Minister to ensure that every child continues to benefit from the quality preschool/kindy programs. In Queensland, staff in childcare centres and kindergartens deserve job security and parents deserve certainty about their child’s future education.

For more information visit the campaign website at

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 122 No 2, 10 March 2017, p4