I’m a permanent teacher taking marriage leave prior to the September holidays - will I still receive payment for the vacation?

Brides and bridegrooms may be granted up to five working days special leave without pay, provided that the maximum period of absence from duty (including any mid-year vacation period) does not exceed 15 working days.

Where the unpaid marriage leave is granted on only one side of a vacation, the vacation will be with pay. Where unpaid leave is granted on both sides of a vacation, no payment will be made for the vacation. It should be noted that marriage leave will not be granted to extend the summer vacation period.

What are the requirements for specialist teachers to be replaced if on sick leave?

According to the department’s policy and procedure on the Management of the Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS), short term relief is provided for classroom teachers who are absent on sick/special/emergent leave for less than five consecutive days. Only classroom teachers who are essential for program delivery are to be replaced. This includes specialist teachers such as physical education, music and languages other than English teachers whose classes are providing the industrial entitlement of non-contact time.

It does not include:

  • the non-teaching component of classified teaching positions
  • specialist teachers such as physical education, music and languages other than English teachers where not supporting non-contact time
  • curriculum coordination time
  • out of classroom support services and other teaching positions such as: 
  • guidance officers
  • classified officers including principal, deputy principal (DP), head of special education services (HOSES), head of department (HOD), head of curriculum (HOC), guidance officer (GO)
  • teacher-librarians
  • instrumental music teachers
  • learning needs teachers, primary and secondary 
  • advisory visiting teachers
  • key teacher time
  • English as a second language (ESL) teachers
  • Indigenous teachers (additional to classroom allocations) 
  • behaviour management
  • positive learning centres, centres for learning management
  • reading recovery. 

Department policy and procedure: Management of the Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS): http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au/corp/hr/hr/Pages/Management-of-the-Teacher-Relief-Scheme-(TRS).aspx

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 119 No 6, 22 August 2014, p26