Becoming active in your Union

“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”  –The Matrix

Now I’m not Morpheus and we don’t live in the Matrix, but there are some similarities to be seen with the blue pill and the red pill and the QTU.

You’re reading this article because you’re already a QTU member, you’ve taken the blue pill, however have you ever thought about finding out how deep the rabbit hole goes? I’ve been asked to write a few words on why it’s important for Queensland teachers not only to join the QTU, but become engaged within the Union.

Joining the QTU is one of the best things I’ve done, becoming active within the QTU has given me opportunities you will not find anywhere else. I’ve had the chance to meet with peers and gain skills in public speaking and recruitment with the New Educators Network and I’ve been lucky enough to attend State Council, firstly as an observer and now as a State Council Rep.

It has provided me with the opportunity to talk with teachers who are at the chalk face every day, and with that, understand the difficulties and pressures facing us all, as well as being able to have a friendly brag about how far my students have come.

Throwing yourself into the mix by further engaging with the QTU is daunting. Thoughts of what the hell am I meant to say or do passed through my mind, but as soon as I was introduced and started talking I realised lots of people were there to do what they do best; teach me and help me on my journey to being engaged within the QTU.

We’re all there for a common cause – serving the more than 40,000 QTU members. Which is you. Why not see how deep the rabbit hole goes and take the leap to become an active part of the QTU? Ask your school Union Rep or contact your Organiser to find out more.

Michael Hicks
QTU member

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 119 No 7, 3 October 2014, p23