Membership works for new teachers!

Starting as a new educator is a daunting task. Knowing that there is a team of people who are there to support you makes all the difference. The best thing that I have done in my career was joining the Queensland Teachers' Union. There are many members who have joined the Union because of the industrial protection that membership offers, but the QTU offers so much more.

Recently, I recruited Alison Coverdale (pictured), who graduated earlier this year. She has been teaching for almost two terms and in that time she has joined the Union, attended seminars and become our school’s fourth Union Rep. I asked what motivated her to become active in the Union so early in her career.

Why did you join the Union?

“Because there were a lot of things that I didn’t know about teaching, and I wanted to find out more. As a temporary teacher I am interested in the conversion to permanency process and there was a lot of confusion around this process. I also wanted to know more about my rights and responsibilities as a teacher.”

What has your membership given you that you didn’t have before?

“A much better understanding of the conversion to permanency process and specifics about holiday pay and sick leave, the legal implications of my career. These things weren’t explained when I was at uni so it has been great to find out about them.”

How has being a member prepared you for the rest of your career?

“It has given me confidence and reassurance. I now understand what is expected of me and what is my choice.”

What would you say to new educators who are unsure about joining the Union?

“Definitely sign up. It has provided me with a lot of information that I wouldn’t have known otherwise. I now feel like I’m part of a teaching community and that is because of the collective power and support of the Union.”

Natalie Clarke
QTU Union Rep

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 119 No 7, 3 October 2014, p23