I believe that I am eligible for the meritorious sick leave credit. I have heard that you must apply for it, it doesn’t just happen.

An additional credit of 65 working days of sick leave on full pay may be added to the sick leave account of a teacher in full-time employment, provided that:

  • the teacher has completed 26 years of meritorious service within the Queensland public sector 
  • the service is service that counts towards long service leave accrual. 

Please note, service being recognised for this purpose need not be continuous, but it must count for long service leave accrual, i.e. service or leave which is recognised for accrual of entitlements (paid leave and minimum periods of unpaid leave as per the “Leave without salary credited as service” directive). See table for an example.

Part-time employees or employees who have completed the required period of service through a combination of permanent full-time, part-time or temporary arrangements are eligible for meritorious sick leave on a pro-rata basis.

Teachers may apply for meritorious sick leave after 26 years’ meritorious service without the requirement to exhaust their existing sick leave balance. The additional 13 weeks’ sick leave will be added to the current sick leave balance and be available for immediate use.

Application for this special credit should be made to the appropriate regional director through the principal. As there is no current form to make application for meritorious sick leave, the QTU encourages members to make the application in writing.

The current directive requires an applicant to explain how their service has been meritorious, although this should not be extensive. A statement such as the example below is sufficient:

“I write to apply for my meritorious sick leave. I believe my service to the department is meritorious as I have received no reprimands and have conducted myself professionally and undertaken my duties diligently throughout my career.”

Should members be asked to provide further detail with their application, they should contact the QTU.

Part of my teaching service was completed interstate, can this be counted?

No. While service undertaken within interstate departments may be recognised for long service leave and sick leave purposes, in accordance with the “Recognition of prior service” public service directive, the public service directive on “Sick leave” specifies that the service is as an employee in the Queensland public sector. So while service interstate or for the Commonwealth can be recognised for the portability of sick leave, it is not taken into consideration in the granting of meritorious sick leave.

Prior to becoming a teacher with DET, I worked for a local council for 20 years. Will service undertaken at the council be counted?

No. A local government is not considered to be a “government entity” under section 24 of the Public Service Act, and as such is not recognised for meritorious sick leave purposes.

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 120 No 4, 5 June 2015, p30