EB implementation update

Pilot for highly accomplished and lead teachers

With the pilot of the certification process underway, the QTU is working with DET to develop a strategy preparing for the statewide roll-out. The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission’s value of role assessment, which will set remuneration levels for the new classifications, will be progressed once the pilot is complete, with DET aligning its response to the review of the annual teacher performance review process.

Review of senior teacher

In an initial meeting, DET indicated that the payroll department has indicated that it is interested in removing red tape. The current eligibility identification and communication to teachers is time consuming, and is currently completed each term. DET suggested an “opt out” model, and the QTU indicated that it would welcome any proposal that facilitated a more streamlined process.

Review of experienced senior teacher (EST)

The QTU has developed a process to streamline current EST application practices. An applicant would need to tick boxes under each selection criteria, ticking as many boxes as applicable, as long as they tick at least one per criteria. They would then select only one criteria on which to elaborate, in 250 words, how they demonstrate a high level of practice.

An EST must be at no less than the Proficient standard under the Australia Professional Standards for Teachers (APST), and the tick boxes align to this standard. As a result, there should not be considerable onus on the teacher to demonstrate eligibility, as exists currently.

Paid internships

DET is currently investigating how paid internships for post-graduate students will operate. It is envisaged that preservice teachers with one full-time semester of a post-graduate qualification (as per the EB) will register to join a small pool of teaching interns available to teach in rural, remote and hard to staff locations.

The department would still need to seek a permission to teach (PTT) from the Queensland College of Teachers to allow these interns to be employed on contract. Registered teachers will still have priority in employment for the available vacancies, and the region will only turn to the pool of interns when all attempts to find a registered teacher in a particular subject area fail.

DET is also developing a strategy to recruit and train industrial technology and design (ITD) teachers, with an extreme shortage expected soon. It is looking at ways to recognise prior learning and will be considering upskilling existing beginning teachers and providing training through teacher education centres of excellence or ITD hubs.

Review of the teacher transfer and relocation system

Mapping out the issues for the relocation review has commenced. Key issues that have been identified include: the current bottleneck in relocations for school leaders from rural and remote locations; the impact of IPS on ability to achieve relocation; lack of case management by DET of members requiring relocation due to personal or compassionate circumstances; and lack of communication with applicants and principals.

Remote area incentives and rural and remote strategy

The Differentiated RAIS Incentives Committee (a subcommittee of the Rural and Remote Incentives Review) is now focusing on a defined number of areas.  Changing the payment of benefits from bi-annually to fortnightly in an off pay week is under exploration.   In relation to the travel component, work is being undertaken on new protocols in relation to DET booking charters in and out of the more isolated centres and potentially linking in with employees travelling from other government departments.

Guaranteed transfers after minimum service periods are being looked at, and the sub-committee has requested exploration of incentives supporting teachers to undertake study, and the re-introduction of RAIS induction commitments at a systemic level.  There is recognition that work is needed in the health and wellbeing area, with proactive “check-ins” with teachers on arrival and at set points in their first year in the community. 

Presently the centres that the differentiated trial will apply to are: Aurukun, Doomadgee, Hope Vale, Kowanyama, Lockhart River, Mapoon, Mornington Island, Northern Peninsula Area, Palm Island, Pormpuraaw and Wujal Wujal. The QTU position is that the trial needs to be broadened.

Kate Ruttiman                                                                                                                   Deputy General Secretary (Member Services)

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 122 No 5, 21 July 2017, p15