State Council report - 20 May 2017


On Saturday 20 May, QTU State Council took a further step in developing the state election campaign and the member wellbeing strategy.

The Union has progressed some significant issues in the last few years through joint statements and the EB, now it’s time to see them have effect in regions and workplaces
In response to member feedback, the QTU has worked with its key priorities and developed an overarching strategy targeted at member wellbeing.

The five major areas are:

  • workload
  • health and safety
  • domestic and family violence as a workplace issue
  • safe and supportive environments for LGBTIQ members
  • physical, psychological and financial wellbeing.

The workload campaign will be launched at the QTU Biennial Conference and will focus on processes to address workload arising at the system, regional, workplace and personal level. There will be a focus on workload issues for school leaders, heads of program, teachers and TAFE members.

The health and safety campaign will initially look toward resolving issues of occupational violence, climate control and practical subjects.

All projects relating to the key focus areas will be further developed and considered by future councils.

State Council also celebrated the great work of members in campaigning for improved conditions and facilities at a team, workplace and individual level. Council heard how the power of the collective had achieved improved programming at South Brisbane TAFE, increased facilities at Yarrilee State School and access to teacher accommodation for a member in Kingaroy.

The state election campaign was mapped out, with further spatial mapping required to identify further tier one and two seats and a refinement of QTU member issues in the coming election.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recognition

State Council also acknowledged the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum for Indigenous Rights. The QTU has developed a reconciliation action plan (RAP) and supports the Recognise campaign for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recognition in the Australian Constitution. We will continue to campaign for improved resourcing, support and outcomes for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and walk side by side with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teaching colleagues and community members on this important journey.

2017 Biennial Conference

State Council on Saturday endorsed the times and sessions for the biennial conference to be held on 26-28 June 2017.

The theme of the conference, “Where the industrial meets the professional”, draws together the key issues that the Union works with members on.

Concurrent sessions will look at the HAT and LT process, the promotional position classification review, using the joint statements to address workload, strategies to address workload and school leader matters.

The conference runs for three days, with the presentation of life membership awards following the opening on day one.

Conference will also consider national and international developments in industrial relations and education.

Branch representatives will consider amendments to Union policy, which sets the Union’s direction for the next two years, and some amendments to the QTU Constitution and Rules.

The Conference is the supreme decision-making body of the Union, and as such each branch and Area Council has two representatives elected from the workplaces in their local area. Conference also has new educator observers, TAFE delegates and two delegates who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

These three days at the start of the June holidays are busy but are significant, as we navigate the constantly changing IR and education agendas.

Kate Ruttiman                                                                                                                   Deputy General Secretary (Member Services)

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 122 No 4, 2 June 2017, p4