2017 QTU Budget Submission most successful yet

As the QTU begins work on its next Budget Submission, it is worth taking a look at how the Palaszczuk government has performed in addressing the issues highlighted in this year’s document.

While there are a number of asks that the QTU will continue to advocate for, the 2017-18 Budget Submission has proved to be one our most successful to date, with the state government agreeing to a number of significant requests made on behalf of members.

The highlights

In addition to the much discussed negotiated commitments to a Promotional Positions Classifications Review, and the highly accomplished and lead teacher pilot, there were a number of other positive announcements arising from this year’s budget.

The two year Investing for Success (I4S) funding guarantee, which also factors in enrolment growth and 3.56 per cent indexation, is significant. With the uncertainty around the levels of federal funding state education budgets will receive, the guarantee ensured that all schools have secure funding with which to make staffing and programming decisions for 2018.

In continuing to put downward pressures on class sizes, this Budget was a proactive effort to address foreseeable challenges. The announcement of the appointment of an additional 230 FTEs over 2018 and 2019, in addition to the 875 FTEs already employed above enrolment growth, is a welcome attempt to prevent some of the class size growth that will be experienced with the advent of six full cohorts in secondary in 2020.

The continuation of the Mentoring Beginning Teachers program ensures the ongoing support of beginning teachers in their first 200 days of teaching. The QTU is working with DET to refine the program to incorporate checks and balances that ensure all eligible teachers receive mentoring at the start of their careers.

The QTU welcomed Minister Kate Jones’ decision to postpone the new senior assessment and tertiary entrance (SATE) system and allow teachers and schools additional time to prepare. The provision of professional development by the QCAA has also been a big move in further alleviating the workload issues that would have arisen if SATE had been implemented before school systems were fully ready.

One of the biggest announcements from the Budget was that dedicated IT support would be funded centrally. Given that this has been a submission item since 2012, this win goes a long way to supporting schools and freeing up resources to support teaching and learning.



Funding Queensland schools

Two year I4S guarantee


875 FTE teaching positions above growth
230 FTEs over 2018 and 2019 for the transition toward six full cohorts in secondary schools

School leaders 

Classification review in progress

Teaching profession

Mentoring for Beginning Teachers (MBT) program has been extended
Increasing beginning teacher salaries
HAT and LT pilot in progress

Curriculum and assessment

New senior assessment and tertiary entrance (SATE) system delayed and PD provided
Implementation of any new curriculum requires all teachers to be provided with sufficient PD and support services to enable familiarisation with and knowledge of the new curriculum

Support for students

Commitment to continue early childhood development programs (ECDP) operations


45 permanent guidance officers for secondary

Building and maintenance

New schools built, with announcement of plans for the delivery of more


RAIS review in progress


Centrally funded IT support


Further secured funding for TAFE through the State Contribution Grant and the continuation of the Rescuing TAFE fund, despite decreased federal funding


Giau Nguyen                                                                                                                        Acting Industrial Research Officer

Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 122 No 7, 6 October 2017, p14